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Unique expertise: FPGA Drop-in Replacement

Save time and money - As the industry keeps struggling with component shortages on just about every level, the shortage of electrical components is a significant problem for many companies.

Shortage of electrical components is a significant problem for many companies
Synective Labs, a Recab company, offer you a suitable replacement FPGA for any given design. - In particular, we see a trend in the field of  FPGAs, where the major vendor’s last-generation FPGAs are now typically difficult or even impossible to purchase. Lead-times for new orders may be 12 months or more and prices at distributors have risen to up to 100 times the normal prices in some cases.

This has led to a trend of saving lead-time and sometimes money by replacing these hard-to-find FPGAs with newer FPGAs from other vendors who can deliver the parts on time and at a lower price. But this requires a usually non-trivial effort to migrate the FPGA design to the new target and in most cases also a new hardware spin to accommodate the new FPGA footprint.

Synective Labs offers a unique expertise within the FPGA.
As a leading expert in FPGA-systems, Synective Labs, a Recab company, have unique expertise and experience working with just about every tool chain and FPGA vendor in the industry. This includes partnerships with AMD/Xilinx, Intel/Altera and Achronix as well as experience working with Lattice, MicroSemi and Efinix. 

We can therefore quickly recommend a suitable replacement FPGA for any given  design and help the customer find the fastest way to migrate to the new part. 

We also offer our services performing the design migration, taking the old and new target FPGA’s unique features into account for an optimal solution. Finally, we can also help updating schematics to assure proper operation in terms of power, booting, clocking, reset and I/Os etc. as well as performing initial bring-up of the updated hardware in the lab.

Read more of the challenges, benefits and download the solution

Welcome to contact your local Team player för more info & the right solution for your business: Info@recab.com

Link to Synective Labs

Recab Sweden – Main Office
Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00

Recab Norway 
Midstranda 51
NO – 2321 Hamar

Recab Denmark                       
Hassellunden 14
DK – 2765 Smørum
Phone + 45 70 300 310


Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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