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AL-KO Supplier Award 2011 goes to Welser Profile

The AL-KO KOBER GROUP, celebrating it’s 80th anniversary in 2011, awarded suppliers for their outstanding services. Welser received the AL-KO Supplier of the year award in the category ‚Reliability‘.

On 1st December, the AL-KO KOBER GROUP (Germany) thanked all those who had contributed to the group‘s success, presenting the best suppliers with the „AL-KO Supplier of the Year“ award. Prizes were awarded for outstanding supplier performance in several areas including vehicle technology, air-conditioning and ventilation technology as well as gardening and leisure. Each area was rated in five different categories: performance, reliability, quality, innovation and collaboration. Of the five hundred companies from ten different industy sectors nominated, more than sixty were put forward for the supplier award.

Winner of the „Reliability“ category

Van Leeuven Tubes (steel tubes and bars) and Welser Profile both received awards in the „Reliability“ category. Welser steel profiles form the basis of AL-KO chassis technology. Transparent and reliable collaboration was a decisive factor in this category. In the words of Claus Kaluza, Senior Vice President, Purchasing, „This award is for the outstanding service provided by our best suppliers“. Kaluza presented the awards to the prize winners alongside Head of Purchasing Raymond Kober. „Criteria for the award was the contribution to the success of the AL-KO KOBER GROUP. The companies awarded have managed to use their specific capabilities and sustained will to improve our products and services“: The supplier award itself is a miniature version of a sculpture created by artist Terence Carr.


AB Welser Profiler
Svandammsvägen 17A
126 35 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5561961474

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