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Vaccum Technology Components

This is what our customers often answered when asked what else should be included in our offer.

We have good news - as Metal Work Pneumatic reported recently (https://lnkd.in/dxEwh8X4https://lnkd.in/dxEwh8X4), AR Vacuum Technology, which has been producing such solutions for many years, joined the Metal Work group.

Thus, our cooperation possibilities become even more complete, starting from pneumatic suction cups, through necessary accessories, to powering with a wide range of ejectors. Vacuum conveying systems are also part of the portfolio.

If you are interested in these products, we are ready to provide any information. You can see the complete range at this link: https://www.metalwork.it/media/Download_Bro_Cat/AR/AR_pdp_IT-EN.pdf

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Metal Work Sverige AB
Modemgatan 7
235 39 Vellinge
Vellinge kommun
VAT nummer: SE5563335644



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