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MAGNETBORD - Fastspänning av magnetiska detaljer vid bearbetning.

Magnetbord från ASSFALG, med elektropermanent magnet är den perfekta lösningen vid fastspänning av magnetiska detaljer vid bearbetning.

The patented EPM magnetic clamping plates *** Patent-No. EP1874504 *** have a solid steel surface and are therefore significantly more resistant than conventional plates with epoxy resin against hot chips, coolant and other processing influences.
The workpiece is clamped on the EPM magnetic clamping plate MAGNASLOT within seconds through an impulse current. This magnetic clamping plate allows for 5-side processing of your workpieces in only one clamp. This reduces equipping times to a minimum and increases productivity.
Through the use of pole extensions, which adjust to the workpiece surface, any unevenness on the workpiece can be compensated for and a deformation of the workpiece can be prevented.
The magnet field from the MAGNASLOT magnetic clamping plate guarantees low-vibration clamping of your workpieces. This protects the milling spindle as well as your tools, increases process safety and extends the service life.
Electropermanent magnets combine both the electrical and thePermanent Magnet technology. These are permanent magnets that can be switched on and off electrically. Electropermanent magnets excel by their holding force which they do not even lose in case of a power failure.
The electropermanent technology of the magnetic clamping plate with square poles guarantees the highest safety, because only a power impulse is needed for clamping. The workpiece is held on the magnetic clamping plate with reverse-pole permanent magnets.

In the event of a power failure or a cable break of the control line, the workpiece will remain clamped on the MAGNASLOT EPM magnetic clamping plates with complete holding force. An accidental loosening of the workpieces through malfunction is also ruled out through the two-button operation of the clamping plate both on the controller and on the cable remote control.
ASSFALG only sells magnetic clamping plates with a maximum number of poles on the solid steel surface of the magnetic clamping plate. Only this can guarantee maximum holding force.
Furthermore, high production and process precision can be guaranteed with plane-parallelism of 0.02 mm and better. With the achieved holding force of 400 kg per square pole 50x50mm, clamping forces of nearly 17 tons can be achieved on a 400x600mm clamping plate through the high pole density.

Varlabergsvägen 17
434 39 Kungsbacka
Kungsbacka kommun
VAT nummer: SE5566121561


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