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Come see us at the upcoming events!

We have some upcoming events where you can see our latest products live!

Don't miss this opportunity to witness for example the power of our new EXCL gantry system with 2 Z-axes.

  • Madrid (ES): 25/26 September at Farmaforum, Booth G14.
  • Birmingham (GB): 30/31 October at LAB INNOVATIONS, Booth L112.
  • Düsseldorf (DE): 11-14 November at COMPAMED/MEDICA, Booth J27, Hall 8a

Can't make it to any of these events? No worries! Give us a call or send us an email , and we'll be thrilled to assist you with our expertise and products. --> You can easily reach out to us here.

Visit us and discover the future of lab engineering! See you there!


Festo AB
Stillmansgatan 1
212 25 Malmö
Malmö stad
VAT nummer: SE5560912304


Tipsa en kollega
