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Components for hydraulics and pneumatics!

At Balluff, we provide cutting-edge components for hydraulics and pneumatics that enable the seamless integration of advanced sensor and monitoring technologies into your fluid power systems. Our solutions are designed to improve efficiency, ensure precision, and minimize downtime across a wide range of applications. 

Discover innovative solutions for hydraulic and pneumatic systems tailored to your needs.  
We offer various technologies for monitoring travel and position as well as pressure, temperature, flow and level.
This wide range provides users with both process and service data. 

Whether you choose conventional solutions or wish to implement IIoT-capable applications, Balluff offers partnering support tailored to your needs from a single source. 

Balluff AB
Gamlestadsvägen 2 hus B19
415 11 Göteborg
Göteborgs stad
VAT nummer: SE5566318779

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