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Material composition analysis

Analysis of structure, topography, and chemical composition.


- Characterization and chemical composition of bulk stock material and raw powder
- Material quality assessment: porosity, cracks, grain structure, critical inclusions

Your benefit with ZEISS:

- Light microscopy: capture large powder particle or raw material size
- Scanning electron microscopy: Automated EDX measurements in ZEISS SmartPI software reveal chemical composition of material
- Segmentation and auto-evaluation of porosity, crack, and inclusion images within predefined ZEISS ZEN core job template
- Consistent material feedstock quality with early detection of fluctuations
- Assess material recycling/reuse strategy.

You can find more information about ZEISS solutions for materialography here.


Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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